Kolejny wspominkowy layout – z wycieczki na wyspę Korcula… nie omieszkałam wreszcie wykorzystać papierów nowej kolekcji 7dots studio… nie byłabym sobą gdybym nie dorzuciła odrobiny koloru do tych pasteli… na zdjęciach oczywiście Adrian na mega wielkim krześle – wręcz magicznym… Całość została wykonana według mapki z bloga Sketch’n’scrap.


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12 komentarzy

  1. Love your take on the sketch and love that quote! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

  2. Wow, I love your layout! The pp’s are fabulous and what fun photos! Awesome take on the sketch! Thanks so much for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

  3. This is beautiful!!! Lovely color combo and pics!!!
    Thanks for joining is at Sketch N Scrap!!!

  4. Beautiful! Those blue doilys are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing with Sketch-N-Scrap

  5. Absolutely stunning!!! I love your choice of papers and how you interpreted the sketch! Thanks for playing along with us at Sketch N Scrap! 🙂

  6. fantastic take on the sketch! thanks for playing along with us at Sketch~N~Scrap

  7. Your layout is fabulous! Love all the stars! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap.

  8. What a fantastic and fun LO. Great take. Thanks for joining us at

  9. What a wonderful take on our sketch and I love all your details and colour scheme. Thanks for playing along with us at Sketch N Scrap. xx

  10. An amazing day indeed. Great photos, just adorable. So glad you played along with us at Sketch N Scrap.
    xx Ria

  11. These photos just make me smile and they are star of this layout, fabulos job! Thank you for joining us at Sketch~n~Scrap!

  12. Beautiful layout! Love the layering! Thanks for joining us at Sketch N Scrap!

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